The lyrics for each song can be found by scrolling down and clicking on the names of the months and song titles on the right of this page.
Using copy and paste these lyrics can be moved around and printed out. Please consider using recycled paper if printing them. I did not include my lyrics in CD packaging in order to conserve paper/resources. The reason the lyrics are listed under months like this is because that is how this free, easy to set up blog site is structured. I must warn you that this album intro is cursed. And now, by coming here you too are cursed. The only way to rid yourself of this curse is to get all the other CDs I have put out (Tha People's Music & Tha Civil Rights Movement Parts I & II). As for me, there is no hope and I am cursed to continue writing lyrics and album intros.
THA MIS-EDUCATION OF THE MASSES was printed on recycled paper board and the plastic trays holding the CDs were made from 100% recycled soda bottles.
On this CD I sought out to make the same types of points about equality, human rights, and social justice that I had made on my previous CD releases. However, this time around I wanted listeners to have a more balanced and enjoyable experience. I wanted to make people feel introspective, angry, and motivated again, but I also felt it was important to make people smile and laugh and to make people feel entertained. Jokes, sarcasm, riddles, and lots of metaphors were some of the elements I focused on to bring new things to the table then I had on my previous CDs. Additionally, music wise, I wanted to employ an international, and extremely diverse array of beats (from reggaeton, to flutes, to international percussion, to rock, and more).
Thanks for taking the time to check out my lyrics here at this site. I always appreciate feedback on my music and lyrics, so if you have any, I always read anything sent to
Tha Truth
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